Zero Waste Design Process

We specialise in upcycling, repairing and restoring vintage, discarded and unwanted textiles. This includes large pieces of fabric and smaller remnants.

Our approach involves the re-engineering, manipulation and optimisation of textiles that are already in existence.

A complex mix of precision, perseverance and reimagination. We have spent our lives seeing the beauty within discarded and unwanted textiles.

The process begins by cleaning and restoring the fabric back to good as new. Removing stains, repairing faults, and removing any plastic or metal attached to the fabric from its original form.

The remaining fabric is measured, draped and manipulated to exhaust the possibilities of how the entire piece can be utilised in the design process.

Once a base design has been established, we then consider the wearability, weight and structure of the fabric before making a final design decision.

Finally, we assess the lifecycle of the design and how easily it can be deconstructed and reused. We consider the process involved at the next upcycle stage and end of life recycle stage before we generate our sample design to add to our Collection.

Remnants and textile scraps are patchworked into smaller items, are used to create unique pockets, bows and contrast plastic free and sequin free finishes.

All of our sample designs are all rented out at WearMyWardrobeOut to ensure all Toiles are circular.